Daily NBA Matchups
4.01.17 NBA Player Matchups Sheet is posted for today's (Main Slate). The average Fpt. threshold was set for 0 Fpts. and higher:
Just so you understand what you are looking at....on the matchups sheet the higher the OPR # (Ranking of Opponent's Fantasy Points Yield to Player Position) the better the match up. If you need a Legend for the column headers you can access it from our website at the following link: https://www.nbalineups.com/fanduel-screen-shots
Use this as a tool, not as an end all be all when building your Daily NBA lineups. Understand why a player is at the top of the board. Just because he is at the top of the board doesn't mean he is necessarily the right pick.
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Enjoy Today's Free Matchups & Good luck tonight!

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